A set of data / facts organized, processed, and manipulated so as to have meaning, value, and benefits to meet certain needs.

Information Considered Valuable

Supports troubleshooting (find solutions)
Save time of workmanship
Helps find new ideas
Helps make decisions
Assist the development of technology
Assist the development of education

Factors Affecting the Quality of Information

Up to date
Well presented

Finding Information on the Internet

Using search engines (search engines)
Website identification and evaluation
Check its credibility
Determine the depth and breadth of the scope of the information
Check the date of the information

Using Search Engines

Search for location information and display search results by popularity.
Search engines: Google, yahoo, bing, etc.

How to find information on the Internet by using a search engine “Google”

Website Identification and Evaluation

Many web pages are not guaranteed accuracy.

Identification and evaluation can be done by :
Who is the author of the website
Who wrote the article
What is the content presented in the website
What is the purpose of the website

Website Type

Informative Web
Personal Web
Web Political groups / interests
Web Marketing
Web Entertainment

Check Credibility

Find out the name of the author or author of the content. Is the author’s name or author clearly written?

Is there any information about the author / author’s expertise related to his / her writing?

Check “About Us” to see the vision and mission of the information source website

The author / author attaches an email address to inquire about the validity and detailed information of the information contained on the website.

Referral sources can be tracked and reliable.

Check Date Information

Check when the last site was updated (updated)
A good site is updated periodically
Sites that are not updated again as long as the content is clear and the author / author is trustworthy, the information in it can be used of relevant origin.

Model Search Information Standard

The process of searching for information :

  • Identification of problems
  • Build a search plan
  • Do a search
  • Evaluate results
  • If necessary, repeat the above stage


Uniform Resource Locator

The web address that connects you to the website

URL component

http: // - hypertext transfer protocol:
hyper text data exchange protocol (text with additional tags)

www-world wide web:
information from around the world that can be accessed via the internet

.starwars-domain name:
the name of the web page

.com-top level domain:
the web is commercial

/ seminars-file name:
folders within the website

.html-hypertext markup language:
language to display text format

Top Level Domain

.edu : higher education (institusi pendidikan)
.k-12 : elementary and secondary schools
.com : commercial
.gov : government agency
.mil : military
.org : general noncommercial organization
.net : computer network : dinas pemerintah Indonesia : sekolah Indonesia : akademi Indonesia

Searching Technique

What to do before browsing :

  1. Make preparations
  2. Organize
  3. Combine

Information Discovery

Search engines :

Google, Yahoo, Bing, Alta Vista, Excite, Hotbot, Infoseek.

Academic/scientific database :

Social Media : Facebook, twitter, dllSocial Media : facebook, twitter, dll

Blogging : WordPress, blogspot, dllSocial News : slashdot, fark, digg, reddit

Forums : Delphi Forums




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